Sunday, April 25, 2010

April 25, 2010 Sunday

we went to Vizcaino for the bike race today ... it was nice and sunny but not too hot, due to a cool breeze all day long.  the way the boys went was long and really steep in places. there were bikes and bodies falling right and left. like i told some of the families, if there is no challenge, then the bikers wont enjoy it.  boring .

well, bocana beach bikers won 3 first places !!!

chueys son won. and i am so pleased about that !!  he didnt show up which was a shame. really a shame.
irmas son won and i am soooooooooooooooo happy about that !!!  she went :)))))) and so did her sister !!

and Cristian won - second time !!!

and the last one was Chino - a little shtunk  of a kid who just tears that road up. he rides his bike with the wind at his back and o a mission to WIN.  they called his dad and he may even buy his son a special bike so that he can get even better results.

Leo had a bad fall right at the beginning. Got the bike put together and sent him on but he must have crashed, the bike got irreparably bent.    i wd really rather not borrow bikes any more.

the one who sould also have gottem first place but someone stuck rocks int he middle of the way and he was in front and got all messed up with the route was Nacho. I am really not sure how this happened.  they did the route yesterday ?????  bizarre and horrible. the worst was that he was disqualified because he threw a hissy fit.  he slammed the helmet on the ground in fornt of everyone and ran to the side in tears.  Not good sportsmanship  altho at the time, none of us understood that he had been somehow set up to lose and crash ... who put rocks along the route ?????????????????????  all the others went around, so they knew how to go .... strange things ahappening .....

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