Thursday, December 10, 2009

Dec 10, Thurs

day started at 7:30 at the elementary school with a garage sale to benefit UNA BOCANA LIMPIA and probably made about $100 in an hour. not too shabby

don't even need a table ... perfect location

kids kids kids

Maureen's donation - too cute ! Thank u Kyla !

then i went to ana fisher's and we agreed she would put together some stuff for me to sell and i left her a special box with xmas stuff mom sent, for her to see what she wanted. in the end - we just traded - her gorgeous stuff for some of mom's gorgeous stuff. excellent deal all around.

the teacher's at the school suggested i come back at 10 ish when many parents bring their kids something to eat since there is no cafeteria at the school (project number 1,000 which we are working on and making progress)

then I came home and we had lunch - well, Les and Celso had lunch, I had Les price the fishingrods and reels so that Celso could choose one - which he did.  He left happy ...I decided to do a surprise garage sale at the coop general meeting where all the 180 members woudl have to go. On my way, since Celso said that Guewro Verduga was in town, I stopped by the high school, found Valentin and got him tomake copies for me of the governor signature lists AND one picture of the new cafeteria project !!!!  It was taking tool ong for the rest of the pics, so we just made one of the cafeteria - but it is avery good one.

I asked Celso to show up early for the coop meeting inc ase Ineeded help and said i would give him a discount on the pole he bought. He didn't show up early but I was fine and he will NOT get the discount. more money for la bocana in the end .... However - the greatest part of all was that I asked who a guy was that I did not recognize and he was chan chan chan chan

roll the drums ...........

musica maestro ....................

He was the one and only Guero Verdugo whom I have been trying to meet forever.

a personal friend of the governor and

a personal friend of the engine guy

and now  a personal friend of Blanca's too and he was impressed because I have added  projects that I am supporting:

BOXING ( I personally despise it but the kids are gungho and I will not make a judgement)

and of course, yours truly always takes her handy dandy picture board 2009 with all the pics of the year

the fishing rods were the big seller and I am very lucky because the coop lets me let the guys sign an IOU  sheet and they will deduct the costs for me directly from their pay. good for them and great for La Bocana !

I have asked dalton to make the poster for the surfers.

carlos put one together and it is good but i want GREAT for the first ever tournament

Panchito will hopefully pick up Les's meds tomorrow or saturday

edith is supposed to give a quote on furniture for the cafeteria

and lastly, I need to contact SanDiego docs and see if they can donate stethoscopes and thermometers