Thursday, October 22, 2009

Thursday, Oct. 22

this morning was set to start with an hour pf picking up trash around the baseball stadiums ...they still don't have garbage cans around them, the kids practice every day and there is nowhere to put their empty water bottles, chip packages - a mess, every day, a mess.  I took a watch and wcheduled myself to do it for an hour - and came home 3 hours later !!  just exhausted.

spent the afternoon watching an excellent movie about Russians sending missiles to Cuba and the American and world reac tion. Kevin Costner was excellent in the movie - it is called 13 days.  great movie and great way to relax.

late this afternoon, i get a call from the local delegado or chief of police "el jefe".  His name is Martin and he wants 5 rooms for some bigwigs who are coming into La Bocana this Saturday and Sunday.  After negotiating back and forth - Les and I figure out how to do it. The 4 guys who are ocming in today will stay in the new rooms (old garage). well, Les had been working on one of the bathrooms all day - and amanged to break a pipe and flood one room in the garage - it was funny but I was not laughing - too tired and worried that the room situation was NOT going to worl. I want the bigwigs here. We need help to make La Bocana cleaner - we need money to pay the trash guys, we need a bulldozer, we need to beautify, we need gas for the truck to pick up the extra trash loads on our Community Clean Up days and we need more trash cans....I could go on, but this surely would be a good beginning.

So, I came up with a good solution - our guests who get extra fish can donate them for cash to our cause.  Les thinks it is a great idea and I am thrilled !!!    Time to call Nacho and time to call Pancho.

And the bigwigs will be here Saturday. Both them and these guys leave but another group comes on Sunday. Crazy week. Crazy crazy. And I decided to start my classes tomorrow - sure hope I have not bitten off too much to chew !!  Three new classes - all of la bocana will be learning soon !!

for those who are not aware - all the lots near the ocean are for sale.  $20,000 is the average price and it gets you beachfront property. 

Til tomorrow - bye bye

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