Wednesday, August 18, 2010

August 18, 2010

It is quite hot inside and there is a cool breeze outside

Dave and wife arrived yesterday !!  Havent seen them yet, they are at valentin and ediths .. and they went fishing this morning !!

I believe Kim and Krissy were to leave today - I never made it back to get my dishes .... hope they have a safe trip.

My secret agents came by today and they reported that NO ONE was out and about last night after I left the cancha.  Great !!  I had a talk with the delegado and with the police lady - I told them to yank the bikes away from anyone who was on one.  I sent all the boys a note so that they are aware.  I heard that Damian was pooking fun at the police. I gotta say, I wd never in my wildest dreams consifer making fun of anyone in uniform. I am surprised that the kids think they can ...

So, the one kid who came got his T-shirt so nicely paid for by Jerry.  And the other one got a new bike !!  We took it to Yoli and Freddy's, sanded it down with steel wool and it became a shiny beautiful great new bike !!  I am sure it is one of the one's I paid $20 for !!!  So fantastic. I am happy happy happy.

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