Thursday, June 17, 2010

June 17, 2010

the chinese came to stay with us !!!!  hellooooooooooooo, it was Urs and his daughter !!! ahahaha

the house was packed because a whole group of people came  with them to do the documentary:  a photographer, 2 biologists, 2 reps from tortugas and asuncion since their coops will be involved, urs and daughter and a translator. every room in our house was taken. no one had breakfast since they left at 5:30 ....  it turns out that they came back later, but les was gone and they had already set it up with joaquin to eat

the neat man in ensenada who prefers to remain secret bought more helmets and many many water bottles !!!  it is amazing. and with the bikes we will buy, I think every one is set.

yolie came by and she is taking 2 boys for the road bike preparation and race this weekend.  i honestly think it is a waste of time and that we should concentrate on mountain biking.  if any of the boys win, which i highly doubt they will, then we can support them. otherwise, i don't want any part of it.  mountain bikinng is fun, is for the whole group, and it includes everyone every month.  only for 6 months.  just love the whole process

yahooooooooooo lots of helmets.  lots of water bottles.  yahooooooooooo

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