Monday, February 15, 2010

Feb 15, 2010 Monday


we got a call in themorning yesterday that 123 people were coming to stay at our house !!  I cleaned and cleaned and made beds and disinfected 4 bathrooms top to bottom


they cancelled at the end of the day

hahaha !!!! the house smells and looks fantastic !!!!

anyways ... yesterday was a wonderful day:  I made pancakes in the morning and we opened our anniversary gifts= a plush squishy stuffed dog that we have named Droopy (bear in mind that we have our real Rex as well as another stuffed dog named Fido, who was our first), a beautiful Ana Fisher box with 4 shelves which I love. And lastly, the picture frame we couldn't find for over a year, which was in one of Les's tool boxes in the garage !  I gave him a heavy duty jacket since he is always cold nowadays, a fancy shirt for better occasions, a frame with a pic of each other on our wedding day and some English Leather cologne ...  Les made a superb lunch in the afternoon = filet mignon wrapped in bacon, smooth creamy mashed potatoes and a tomato and onion salad. He even did the dishes afterwards since I was running around getting the house ready. Int he end, I for got the clothes inthe washing machine for about 4 hours. Hung them up. And forgot them outside overnight !!!!  Just brought them in about 30 minutes ago - oh well

I taught an English class this morning.  All are doing well exceot for one lady - Guuillermina - who is so afraid that she can't do it.  Trauma from schooldays ... it happens all too often. Students are taught by English teachers who just teach it but can't really explain the "why" of anything ... for smart students, this is a recipe for disaster ...really sad and a challenge for me to help them overcome this fear ...

Lance and his daughter are in town - we discussed his misplaced septic tank - it will have to be moved - it was built right next tot he ocean and that is a huge opportunity for a bigtime ticket to the tune of  $30,000 ...ouch .... better to move it and as fast as possible ...

talked to Pancho and he is getting his passport in La Paz. If he can, he will ge the meds for Les and will mail the package via BajaPak. please please please let it go to Mexico City so I don't have to go to San Diego now ...

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