Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Dec 22, tuesday

the morning started off at shiley eye center in la jolla where i got a little piece of flabby tissue removed from my eye

miramar landfill

learned sooooooooooo much and as luck would have it:

there was a guy from union tribune and another from the radio station !!!!  and they got my one great copy of the project from Allen at UCSD which I happened to pickup this morning !!!!!!!!!!!!!  Thanks allen. i am sure you never guessed how pivotal you would be to the project !!!  Yesterday all the donations went south:

and this is a day in the life of trash in san diego. thanks to the guys who showed us everything !!

lots of trash, even with  a fence

guys and their tonka toys

basura basura and more basura

UNA BOCANA LIMPIA en san diegoLes, as always my supporter

In January = meet with Maile "ALOHA"

hopefully get some medical equipment donated form Dr Eric White, ophthamologist

and we are sooooooooo lucky !!!!  marshall madruga came thru as promised and donated a BUNCH of gorgeous t-shirts he had !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Boy oh boy ~  thanks Marshall !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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