Friday, December 18, 2009

Dec 18, Friday !!

Breakfast at 8 meeting with Antonieta, Linda, Armando and myself ...important decisions !!

Linda never showed, she was swamped baking cupcakes for a party ...

Antonieta did come and she was very supportive and I believe she will get the job done, in exchange, i will request the stove oven advance for them to then repay the coop. the DIF or Family Development Center, really needs an oven so they can do baking and cooking and make some real bucks....

I need to mention that a couple months ago, i got Gary and Scott and Les together to brainstorm how I could raise cash...they made the following suggestions:

1. car wash
2. garage sales
3 bake sales

well, all three have been hugely successful.  I have done more baking than I ver thought I would do again !  I have done more garage sales than I ever wanted to do (and the locals say I am very good at it) !!!  and the surfers are free to spend on whatever they want for their club after they did 33 cars on the first Saturday ...and now everyone wants to take their place. I told them to make a contract with the sherriff and make it for a year, paying a slight fee. This way, NO ONE can take their right away from them !!!

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