Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Dec. 16, Wed.

Did a garage sale this morning - tomorrow is the last day of school and therefore the last sale...2 weeks of 7:30 to 8:45 is I actually got up at 5 a.m.  I just had to start the day by organizing who will do what on the 30th and the 31st. We need teens as setter uppers and taker downers and a DJ and mike and kids doing a play and adults cooking. Friday we will have a meeting and I will make breakfast......

Actually, this morning I wrote to Sherry in Asuncion and invited her to come to the  surfing competition !  Her daughter is a surfer and that would just be fantastic !

I stilll need to figure out sponsors before I leave. San Diego is always a lot of running around. Plus Les will get his operation. Plus we have a ton of shopping. Plus family and Christmas and cooking. Plus my eyelid has a growth on it and I will have it removed. But back to today:

did the garage sale and sold a little.  but it is so fun to see all the kids. now eveywhere I go, someone is waving and calling out my name !!  what an experience.  ran home - unloaded and went to do the beach ceanup. i guess a group did some work yesterday. Linda showed up and we worked for an hour and a half til it got too hot. we went home. Les and I had chili for lunch and then I got a call that the garbage guys were ready for me to meet them. Sent them to put diesel in the truck and meet me in front of the boat shop. There are 2 abandoned boats that had been sitting there for years. We removed them !! 

first boat and mess

second boat - to the dump !

where is the second boat ????
first boat gone gone gone

the first took about an hour to break up. the second i actually convinced Chuy Espinoza to take dragging to the dump since we had other stuff to clean  up. Very nice of him. then we went to  pick up the bags Linda and I made this morning. then i went to DIF to see if i cold find antonietta. she is in santa rosalia. i forgot. so i saw a reuseable bag finished !!  so perfect - I am the VERY FIRST  PERSON TO BUY ONE and I documented it !! then i came home. did emails. made some phonecalls. no Maile .... strange to call and not get an answer. i called 2 times. will try once more tomorrow and then give it up. not meant to be but i could so use her expertise. no idea why she wouldn't pick up a cell phone. why have one then ??????  Taught my class and I have 2 new students. The best one is thelittle boy who cant be more than 6 years old.  he loves that he can spit out the answer while the older ones are still thinking about the question !!  he is cute cute cute. after class, showered and emails and called Enrique whom will meet us for dinner on Sunday. Panchito sent the meds for Les so i extended a thank you too.

well, I told them white was a terrile color - dark blue or green or black would be better ....

Juanchys dropped by and gave us these pics

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